We travel to Houston and Galveston, Texas along with New Orleans, Louisiana to check out the locations made famous in the Robert Durst murder trial. Robert Durst's first wife Kathleen Durst disappeared back in 1982, and she has never been found. Durst's best friend Susan Berman was shot and killed in her home around Christmas Eve of 2000. In late 2001 Robert Durst's friend Morris Black was killed with his body parts found in Galveston Bay. Durst has been a suspect in all of these deaths. Come along! Please subscribe! Find us on the web: https://www.facebook.com/mcandrewtravels https://www.mcandrewtravels.com https://twitter.com/McAndrewTravels https://www.instagram.com/mcandrew_travels
Ugly Old Mute Deaf Woman - Killer? - Robert Durst
Chris McAndrew