We take a visit to Leesburg, Georgia the hometown of country music superstar Luke Bryan to check out his childhood home where his father apparently still lives, the peanut farm his dad still owns, the concrete business owned by Luke Bryan, the graves of Luke’s brother Chris Bryan and sister Kelly Cheshire as well as several other spots. We cordially invite you to come along for the adventure! Support our channel - https://paypal.me/mcandrewtravels?locale.x=en_US Buy some exclusive McAndrew Travels merchandise - https://mcandrew-travels.creator-spring.com For business inquiries please contact christophermcandrew@gmail.com Find us on the web: https://www.facebook.com/mcandrewtravels https://www.mcandrewtravels.com https://twitter.com/McAndrewTravels https://www.instagram.com/mcandrew_travels
Luke Bryan Childhood Home - Brother/Sister Grave - Hometown Tour
Chris McAndrew